What Our Cardholders Are Saying

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Entrepreneur Massage Therapist and
Personal Trainer Uses A VisnessCard

UPDATE: Jeff's Visness Card is now on over 1,200 smartphones
and has been viewed more than 4,200 times. Learn how he did it in
our podcast interview with him here.

"The best thing about it . . . it's like a mini-web site on your phone.
It was custom-made for me, so it's about me, it's my brand, it's what I 
​stand for, it's what I represent. That's what I love about it!"  - Jeff Jones

Real Estate Professionals Use VisnessCards

"In the last year since I adopted utilizing the Visness Card in my
marketing program it has made and exponential difference. . . I have 
had the best year ever."   - Lisa Gordon

As of Sept. 30, 2019 Brandon's card is on 916 smartphones and has been viewed 2,559 times!

Need five or more cards with the same branding?
Call or email us for pricing.  
303-346-9001 or service@visnesscard.com